Thursday, January 7, 2010

Here are the 10 things that will help you in an interview:

Here are the 10 things that will help you in an interview:

1. Show up for the interview. Arrive on time or even a little early for your interview. If you are late, the message is that you are not interested.

2. Inform the relevant person that you have arrived. Don't hide in some corner trying to blend with the wallpaper.

3. Introduce yourself with a bright smile. Don't behave as though you are doing the employer a favour by attending the interview.[You may be nervous, but try and be cheerful]

4. Keep a copy of your resume ready. If you are confident, say that you intentionally did not print your resume on paper because you want to be carbon friendly. Provide them with a link to your online professional profile.

5. If you are a fresher, have some favourite (Academic) subjects which you are comfortable with. Since you are fresh out of college, you obviously don't have any work experience. So the only thing that you can be questioned on is what was taught to you in school/college. Better that they question you in the areas of your strength than on other subjects. So state clearly the 2 or 3 subjects that were/are your favourite areas so that the interviewer asks questions around these topics.

6. Also if you are a fresher, know your subject in these areas. If, after several years of education, you cannot answer basic questions in your favourite areas, nobody will believe that you can be taught anything, ever.

7. If you know, answer. If you don't know but think you can guess, say so and then try your answer. If you haven't a clue, make that clear too.

8. Be aware of the latest happenings in your industry. If you are from the tech industry, for example, know about blogs, twitter, techcrunch, social networking, SAAS, AJAX, or whatever else is the latest craze.

9. Highlight your other active interests and hobbies. Show that you are having/pursuing an interesting life. Browsing and watching TV are not hobbies.

10. Keep your phone on silent during the interview. Don't answer calls. I have had people answer their phone in the middle of an interview and say (to their current boss, presumably) that they are having lunch with a friend. No one will recruit a liar.

11. Bonus: Stick to the truth, always. This is non-negotiable.

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